Working together to boost sales

Many sales are lost when the ball is fumbled at the 1-yard line, but misplays at any point on the field mean that qualified interested prospects may be walking away or choosing a competitor. To boost sales, we work with you to create a sales process which:

  • generates leads,
  • qualifies buyer interest and ability to buy,
  • demonstrates value to qualified prospects,
  • leads to a buying conversation,
  • results in a proposal,
  • closes with a deal.

One successful sales tactic that works for many B2B firms is a Market Engagement Program, where we help you develop and deliver an educational program that engages prospective qualified clients. The program can be delivered via webinar or live event, with these events generating regular monthly leads and new revenue.

The overall program requires the bringing together of a thorough process which includes content development, promoting the event, and getting interested attendees to engage in an “enrollment conversation”.

Sales Tools

Your sales team needs powerful tools to help communicate the benefits of your offering. We write / design / produce a wide range of deliverables including: PowerPoint Decks — Corporate Brochures and Sell-Sheets — Videos — Websites — Corporate Identity Packages — Posters — Podcasts — Trade Show Displays — Case Studies — White Papers — Testimonial Packages

Lead Generation Campaigns, Tools & Processes

To get buyers to show their interest in what you are selling, we create campaigns and tools which enable you to attract responses from interested parties. Tools include — “Free Reports” — White Papers — Process Charts — Landing Pages — Opt-In Forms — Videos — Infomercials — Advertorials — Sponsored Content

Content Marketing / SEO

Content marketing is the art of engaging your market through informative content that speaks directly to the questions and needs of your audiences. What kind of content do people download or view? Articles — Power Points — Process Charts — “How To” Guides — White Papers — E-Books — Videos — Case Studies — Interviews — Newsletters — Web Pages — News Releases — Brochures — Blog Posts — Podcasts

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